From: 29/10/2024 00:00:00 To: 03/12/2024 00:00:00

Price: 315,00€     


Objectiu general:

Formar i capacitar als professionals d’ infermeria per tal de que desenvolupi i apliqui les seves competències amb coneixements i habilitats en el procés d’ esterilització de forma segura i de qualitat.


Objectius específics:

§  Identificar quins son els coneixements i habilitats necessàries i bàsiques per realitzar el procés d’esterilització en totes les seves fases.

§  Adquirir els coneixements necessaris que garanteixen la seguretat i qualitat del producte estèril tant pels serveis centrals d’esterilització com a punts d’ús i altres serveis externs.

§  Aprendre de les diferents situacions en les diferents fases que no garanteixen el producte estèril.

§  Conèixer els riscos pel professionals associat a l’ equipament, material i productes d’ esterilització.

§  Conscienciar de la importància del seguiment i compliment dels procediments i protocols per la seguretat del producte i professional.




Equips Infermeria: Supervisores, Infermeres i TCAI interessades en el tema.




Curs en modalitat semipresencial de manera asincrònica amb habilitats clíniques presencials i visita a la central d’esterilització blocs quirúrgics i àrees de punt d’us.




·         Material sanitari.

·         Central d’esterilització.

·         Neteja i desinfecció.

·         Preparació del material: empaquetat - envasat.

·         Esterilització.

·         Emmagatzematge i distribució del producte.

·         Tractament i cura del material quirúrgic: Instrumental general.

·         Tractament i cura del material d’endoscòpia flexible.

·         Tractament i cura del material específic.

·         Traçabilitat del producte.

·         Tractament específic del material contaminat per prions

·         Riscos laborals al Servei d’esterilització      


1. Tax Data

2. Company Information

Do you need invoice for your company

3. Bank details

In order to get a succes registration, please attach a .pdf file with the bank transference with the number reference code of the course indicated in the subject

Account details: Institut de Recerca Hospital Sta. Creu i St. Pau
Banc: La Caixa
Adreça :Institucions Catalunya .Av.Diagonal, 530 Pl. 1
08006 Barcelona

IBAN ES96 2100 0885 6102 0023 7986

3. Attach justifying

Please attached PDF * file of your transference to Caixabank IBAN ES96 2100 0885 6102 0023 7986

If the language is not correct please choose what you want: Català / Espanyol / English

According to Organic Law 15/1999, you authorize that your personal data provided in this form be included in a file created under the responsibility of the Research Institute of the Santa Cruz and San Pablo Hospital, in order to carry out the student's management , Issuance of certificates or diplomas, control of attendance, accounting and administrative management, as well as to inform you about our courses, seminars, acts, publications and any other activity organized by the Institute or a collaborating entity by postal, electronic and / or fax.

We inform you that this information may be communicated to the appropriate entities and / or co-organizer agencies, for the management of the corresponding course. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by going to the headquarters of: the Research Institute of the Santa Cruz and San Pablo Hospital (Attendance Department): San Federico Pavilion, 1st Floor, C / San Antonio Mª Claret, 167-08025 Barcelona

1. Tax Data

2. Company Information

Do you need invoice for your company

If the language is not correct please choose what you want: Català / Espanyol / English
All card payments are processed with Redsys secured by 256 bit SSL encryption with 3D Secure inteligent

According to Organic Law 15/1999, you authorize that your personal data provided in this form be included in a file created under the responsibility of the Research Institute of the Santa Cruz and San Pablo Hospital, in order to carry out the student's management , Issuance of certificates or diplomas, control of attendance, accounting and administrative management, as well as to inform you about our courses, seminars, acts, publications and any other activity organized by the Institute or a collaborating entity by postal, electronic and / or fax.

We inform you that this information may be communicated to the appropriate entities and / or co-organizer agencies, for the management of the corresponding course. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by going to the headquarters of: the Research Institute of the Santa Cruz and San Pablo Hospital (Attendance Department): San Federico Pavilion, 1st Floor, C / San Antonio Mª Claret, 167-08025 Barcelona